Our company is committed to complying with the laws and ethical principles that govern our business in order to ensure transparency, fairness, and social responsibility in the market.
Company code of ethics
We have adopted the model 231, an organizational, management, and control system aimed at preventing the risk of committing crimes provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001, which regulates the administrative liability of legal persons.
The model 231 consists of a code of ethics, which expresses the values and rules of conduct that all our employees must follow, and a system of internal procedures and control mechanisms, entrusted to an independent supervisory body.
Furthermore, we have obtained gender equality certification, a recognition that attests to our commitment to promoting equality between women and men in the workplace. Gender equality certification is based on a set of indicators that measure the degree of fairness in company policies related to compensation, training, career, and employee well-being. The certification allows us to benefit from tax and contributory incentives and to access forms of public financing with scoring rewards.
We believe that corporate compliance is not only a legal obligation but also an opportunity to improve our reputation, competitiveness, and value in the market. For this reason, we are constantly committed to monitoring and updating our compliance system in line with current regulations and industry best practices.
View the Gender equality certification